Guang zhou handbags factory VB bag talks about bags production .
Abstract:Leather goods factory, as the name suggests,it is the production of leather bags .
Then how does a leather bag factory produce a leather bag ,such as leather backpack, leather handbag, leather shoulder bag, men's briefcase ? What production techniques are needed ? What production machine is needed ? Guangzhou handbags factory VB bag will take you into the production workshop to understand the production of leather bags.
The cutting bed cut pieces with metal mold according to the materials and the quantities shown on the samples and production lists, including the front and back webs of the entire leather goods, the fabric of the belt , the accessories, the inner lining materials and accessories materials etc.
2.Table work
Spray glue/glue brush
Before the front and back fabrics, linings and accessories of the leather parts are attached, the yellow glue or the white glue is equally sprayed on the base of the leather fabric and the front of the accessories, and then they are dried.
The glued parts of the bags are pasted together.
Fold the edges of each part of the leather in order to reattach it tidely and make the appearance of the entire product beautiful .
3.Stitching matchine
After the individual parts were sewn together, the final overall organization of the sewing was performed, which was equivalent to the final assembly department of the electronics factory.
4.High machine
It is the suture of the leather bag, especially the suture of a decoration part, the flat car can't finish this, need more fine suture way.
5.Edge paiting
After polishing the edge of the part or the fitted three-dimensional contour, apply oil evenly.
1. Cleaning, Inspection and Packaging
After sewing, the products need to be trimmed, and then the points and damages of the production process are counted. After the inspection, the package will be shipped.
After six major operations, a simple bag is almost completed, and each process will be completed by a separate assembly line.VB bag has been in the handbag production business for over 10 years . It consists of three branches and owns 16 professional production lines. The first and second factory is a professional OEM/OEM/brand factory for leather goods such as middle and high-end leather men's bags, leather handbags, leather handbags, and leather handbags. The third factory is a professional high, medium, and low-grade leather and PU. , PVC and other small leather goods, leather ornaments OEM / OEM / OEM factory. After 10 years of development, VB Bag,China handbags factory has become a well-known brand in leather OEM/OEM/OEM. Guang zhou bags factory VB bag promises to "make leather goods with sincerity and honesty seek win-win results." We look forward to cooperating with you.