Best professional lady handbag factory!

Further bag co.,ltd

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Guangzhou handbag factory tells you how to maintain a handbag

A bag is an essential .And those expensive bags are luxury bags .Today Guang Zhou handbag factory ----further bag tells you how to maintain a handbag .

 Generally speaking ,to maintain a handbag ,you should pay attention to the below three aspects .


Baisically, no matter what kind of bag you have ,for example ,PU handbag ,cloth handbag ,fur handbag ,the most important thing is moistureproof .The simplest way of moistureproof is to buy Desiccant .Or take your handbag out ,wipe with a soft cloth,and let her take some fresh air .


Second,use oil to maintain it .

To maintain a handbags life,you should use special oil for different leather to maintain it .


Third,where to put your handbag

Use a dust proof bag to pack your bag after usage .If do not use for a long time ,better to put some newspapers or white cotton papers inside to keep it from changing shape .

 These handbag keeping methods are also used in our handbag production process .A good handbag needs to be kept well .Act and keep her in a good condition .

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